Ramsbottom Town Plan
Creating an attractive and vibrant destination
The Ramsbottom Town Plan project was an exciting opportunity to shape the future of this historic market town. Our approach was rooted in understanding the town's unique character, engaging with the community, and envisioning a bustling and thriving town centre.

A key element of our design was the celebration of Ramsbottom’s rich heritage. We meticulously researched the traditional materials used in the town’s architecture, from the distinctive local stone to the detailing of its historic buildings. This informed our material palette for new interventions, ensuring a cohesive blend of old and new.
A Community led vision
Community engagement was at the heart of the project. We held workshops, public meetings, and online surveys to gather the views and aspirations of residents, businesses, and local groups. These conversations helped us understand what made Ramsbottom special to its community and what they wanted to see in its future. The feedback we received directly shaped the vision and it’s objectives. We wanted the community to feel ownership of the plan, ensuring its long-term success.
Putting people first to create a thriving town centre
Our vision for Ramsbottom town centre was to create a vibrant and thriving hub – a place where people want to spend time. This involved a number of key interventions. We focused on creating high-quality public spaces that encourage social interaction, including flexible event spaces, and improved pedestrian connections. We prioritised pedestrian movement, making the town centre more walkable and accessible. We also incorporated green infrastructure, such as street trees and pocket parks, to enhance the public realm and promote biodiversity.
A roadmap for a resilient future
The Ramsbottom Town Plan is more than just a design document; it's a roadmap for the town's future. By respecting its heritage, engaging its community, and focusing on creating a bustling and thriving town centre, we believe this plan will help Ramsbottom flourish for generations to come.